Let's not forget Mr. Schwab's "cyberattacks" he has so vehemently warned about over and over again. While I do acknowledge there are industrial control systems and infrastructure that are vulnerable (being connected for the sake of automation, data analytics, remote access, etc.) There are countless ways to stage and run false flag attack and the general public would be none the wiser.

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Possible volcanic winter, bunkers are useless, Cambridge proposes the global solution!

REGULAR drills & Earth lasers' plasma shield not only can repel space electricity that provenly stimulates magma (Ebisuzaki, 2011) & dissolve storms (Univ. of Geneva), but it CAN also prevent chaos by a devastating global blackout/all nuclear plants' blasting by asteroid explosion (as in Tunguska-1908 & Chelyabinsk-2013) or a solar storm hit! ELEVEN times near-miss extinction so far: 1972, 1989, 1991, 2003, 2006, 2012, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 https://GlobalBlackoutPrevention.wordpress.com

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